Mickey Gocool
Mickey Gocool is North London born and bred and now lives in Ware with his two children. Mickey is the Managing Director of East Herts Radio but sees his role as not just administrative, but very hands-on, with training Presenters and Staff, maintaining the sophisticated automated playout system as well as ensuring the studio hardware is optimally functioning.

Mickey wears many hats at East Herts Radio but really enjoys presenting his Saturday and Sunday evening shows and interviewing individuals.

His passion for music started very early. As a teenager, Mickey became a DJ and after several successful years of being a “Mobile DJ”, Mickey secured residencies at some of London’s Finest Nightclubs. Mickey has also worked at London’s Capital Radio where he gained skills in Audio Post Production and Broadcasting. Mickey went on to create his own DJ Agency “THE ROADSHOW”. Mickey continued his successful progression in broadcasting by becoming a presenter on UCHR, University College Hospital Radio and Radio GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital).

Mickey’s Professional career in Film & TV, as well as the Music Industry, enabled him to make many useful contacts and more importantly gain additional skills in Media, Radio and TV Broadcasting.