"Joined by Drama" - Much Haddam Drama Group
Start 11/05/2024 at 19:30
End 11/05/2024 at 21:00
Local Much Haddam Village Hall
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We are delighted to announce our May 2024 production: 


"Joined by Drama" 

by our very own

Mark Edwards

In the heart of Much Hadham, a quaint, sleepy English village, a seemingly routine night takes an unexpected turn. When the local convenience store falls victim to a dark and rainy night robbery, several local residents find themselves stranded in the village due to flooded fords and police blockades. With no alternative, they are welcomed into the warmth of the Much Hadham Village Hall.


"Joined by Drama" is less of a traditional whodunit and more of a thought-provoking exploration of who didn't do it and which of the colourful characters can be considered sane. The play's author quickly emphasises that all the characters are purely the product of his imagination; any resemblance to real people in the Much Hadham Drama Club is coincidental.

In a ground-breaking move for the world of theatre, portions of this play have been recorded in 3D binaural sound, promising a unique sensory experience for the audience.

Inside the hall, a group of eclectic and zany individuals from the local drama club are amid rehearsals for their upcoming play, which delves into the complexities of the First World War. As the evening unfolds, it becomes increasingly evident that not all is as it appears.

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Listen here to an exclusive prequel to the play. It has been recorded in Binaural Stereo which gives an unusually immersive impression when played back wearing stereo headphones.

Go on - put on your headphones and click on the red triangle!

Joined By Drama - PrequelMuch Hadham Drama Group
00:00 / 10:21

Join Scott, Angela and Byrony in the car as they make there way home through torrential rain and find themselves stranded in Much Hadham in the aftermath of an armed Post Office heist.


The burning question lingers: Can you identify the villain, or villains, and the unsung hero among this delightful and eccentric cast before the climactic and exhilarating final act reveals all?


As an added intrigue, a special surprise bonus awaits all attendees, to be unveiled on the evening of the performance. Join us for a night of unmissable entertainment as "Joined by Drama" weaves an unforgettable tapestry of intrigue, laughter, and surprises in the heart of Much Hadham.

Performance dates:  9th, 10th, 11th May 2024

Show at 8pm. Doors open 7.30pm

Tickets now available:



Box Office: 01279 842742