Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire and Near Hertfordshire
03/04/2024 20:15 in Community

Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire and

Near Hertfordshire

Find drug and alcohol rehab or outpatient treatment in Hertfordshire. Select from a variety of options, including residential and outpatient treatment to suit your needs.

Quick links for help with drug and alcohol addiction rehab in Hertfordshire and near Hertfordshire

At Rehab 4 Addiction, we offer access to a wide range of rehab services in Hertfordshire and near Hertfordshire.

We refer you to drug and alcohol rehabs with person-centered care suited to your needs.

Addiction [1] is a huge problem in Hertfordshire and the rest of the UK. drug and alcohol-related deaths are on the rise.

In recent years the rate of admission for drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire has also increased sharply.

New Presentations to Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Hertfordshire (2019-2020) Total
Total New Presentations to Rehab Treatment in Hertfordshire 1,465
Parents or Adults Living with Children 302 (21%)
Parents Not Living with Children 390 (27%)
Not a Parent (No Contact with Children) 772 (53%)

No matter what addiction you suffer from, [2] whether it be a psychological or physical dependence on drugs, alcohol (binge drinking [3] for example) or behavioural addictions such as gambling addiction and shopping addiction, we are here to help.

Below you can find everything you need to know about drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire and near Hertfordshire.

We also answer some common queries about rehab more generally.

To learn more about drug rehab and alcohol rehab available in Hertfordshire and begin your journey to sobriety, call us on 0800 140 4690

How Can Rehab 4 Addiction Help Me Access Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire and Near Hertfordshire?

Couple supporting each other at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Couple supporting each other at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

We offer a secure, confidential service for those in need of rehab treatment in Hertfordshire. [4]

Addiction is a disease that can affect anyone of any background, sex, age [5] or condition.

We may recommend that you go to a residential rehab clinic to get clean.

This allows you to remove yourself from your ‘using’ environment. It’s also possible to pursue outpatient treatment options in Hertfordshire.

After going through a medically-assisted detox, you have the option of rehab therapy. This will help to deal with the underlying issues which fuel your drug-taking and physical dependence.

Our trained therapists have years of experience listening to people’s problems. They can help you get over past trauma and move towards a better life of sobriety.

Get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire by calling our team today on on 0800 140 4690

What Does the Assessment and Admissions Period at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire Involve?

Smiling support group at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Smiling support group at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Our service has a refined rehab admissions process to keep stress to a minimum.

This process begins when you contact us.

We will give you a psychiatric assessment, and then point you towards some good treatment options in the Hertfordshire area.

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests [6] are a great way of determining the severity of your alcohol dependence. [7]

The AUDIT contains 10 questions about your alcohol use and the consequences you have experienced as a result of such.

This will help the professionals reviewing your situation realise how low or high risk you are.

This then leads to possible referrals to further treatment such as a referral to a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire.

The questions in an AUDIT are as follows:

  1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
  2. How many units of alcohol do you drink in a day of typical drinking?
  3. How often have you had 6 or more units if female or 8 or more if male, on a single occasion in the last year?
  4. How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking [8] once you had started?
  5. How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of your drinking?
  6. How often during the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? [9]
  7. How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
  8. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
  9. Have you or somebody else been injured as a result of your drinking?
  10. Has a relative or friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested that you cut down?

Your answers for each question will be on a scale of 0-4, and these points are added up at the end of the AUDIT to give you a final score.

Scores between 0-7 shows that you are at low risk for alcohol addiction or substance use disorder.

Scores between 8-19 indicate an increasing or high risk.

Scores of 20 or more show signs of intense dependence present in your life.

Other ways of screening for alcohol addiction severity include the CAGE Questionnaire [10] and the DSM-5 criteria (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). [11]

Start the admissions process at a first-rate drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire by calling us today on 0800 140 4690

How Do I Know When to Get Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire or Near Hertfordshire?

Staff member comforting a patient at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Staff member comforting a patient at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Here are some signs that you may need to get rehab treatment in Hertfordshire. [12]

  • You have developed a tolerance. You now need more of the substance to feel a buzz.
  • The substance is never far from your thoughts.
  • Previous attempts to stop using the substance have ended in failure.
  • You continue to use the substance, even though you know it is harming you.
  • You have stopped doing the things you used to enjoy.
  • The withdrawal effects are so bad that you continue using the substance just to avoid them.

More physical consequences of addiction can also include:

These signs [20] are just a few of the many that an addiction sufferer can experience, and they can in fact differ significantly between people suffering from the same addiction.

For example, someone suffering from a type one alcohol addiction [21] is likely to avoid harm and show low novelty-seeking behaviour, whilst a type two alcoholic [22] is more likely to risk harm and engage in high novelty-seeking behaviour.

Dangerous though they may be, if a person gets the right support they can be managed effectively and even reversed. [23]

Do I Need To Go To Drug And Alcohol Rehab In Hertfordshire Or Near Hertfordshire?

Are you debating whether to go to drug or alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire?

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have health problems because of using drugs or alcohol? for example, do you suffer from Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome? [24]
  • Have your relationships become strained due to heavy use?
  • Can you get through the day without drugs or alcohol?
  • Do you prioritise substances over things you used to enjoy?
  • Has your academic or work life suffered due to drugs or alcohol?
  • Have you ever lied about your use of substances?
  • Have you got into legal trouble because of your substance abuse?
  • You have tried quitting on your own in vain?
  • Have your family and friends tried to tell you to get help?

What Happens if I Drink Alcohol Every Day and How Can Rehab in Hertfordshire Help?

Man holding his head whilst in therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Man holding his head whilst in therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Whether you’re drinking every day or every night, [35] addiction can have a serious impact.

Drinking regularly [36] changes your brain and body and, the more you consume alcohol, the more harm you suffer from.

Senior scientist and researcher Jurgen Rehm [37] found that the higher the intake of alcohol consumed by a person, the greater their risk of health problems and death. [38]

Still not sure whether you need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire? Talk it over with our team today on 0800 140 4690

What is Drug and Alcohol Rehab Like in Hertfordshire and Near Hertfordshire?

Group holding leaves

A group of people holding leaves

Below we offer a simple version of the usual process as a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire.

This will help you to understand how quick and easy the process is.

  • Phase 1: Creating a custom care plan – Rehab in Hertfordshire begins with an psychiatric assessment meant to come up with a treatment program that suits you perfectly. When you begin your treatment programme, you will initially be assessed by a psychiatrist. You will be prescribed medication to help offset drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms you will experience during your detoxification programme.
  • Phase 2: Detox – Our Hertfordshire rehab services are world-class. After admission, you will be medically observed by our doctors for a day after which you will be subjected to detox that lasts for 5 to 10 days. During detox, we will administer drugs to deal with drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms. This phase gets rid of addictive substances in the body. A medically supervised detoxification is recommended at all times due to the medical complications that can arise during this process.
  • Phase 3: Rehabilitation – While detox treats the physical aspects of your addiction, rehabilitation addresses the psychological and mental issues [25] relating to your addiction. This phase lays a foundation for long-term treatment and recovery. After detox, you will go through different therapy and counselling sessions to learn advanced coping strategies. All our services are offered by professionals in a respectful and patient manner. Therapy and counselling sessions are meant to help you discover the root causes of your addiction [26] and offer you a support system you can rely on after rehab is over.
  • Phase 4: Recovery & aftercare – This phase lays the foundation for continued healing and full recovery. It includes sober living houses, support groups, and continued therapy. Read on to discover more of our aftercare services towards the bottom of the page.

Learn more about the process of drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire by calling us on 0800 140 4690

What Does a Typical Day a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire or Near Hertfordshire Look Like?

Therapy group holding hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Therapy group holding hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Mornings in our Hertfordshire inpatient rehabs start with a healthy breakfast.

Then come early meetings. Some programmes may have meditation or yoga classes. Daily meetings help patients spot bad patterns of behaviour.

In the afternoon, patients attend daily therapy.

This includes one-to-one behavioural therapy, group therapyfamily therapy, and more. It can include anger or stress management too.

You may also receive alternative therapy. This includes acupuncture, equine therapy and art therapy.

It also includes biofeedback, neurofeedback, and exercise therapy.

A typical day includes some free time in which you can relax. Evenings in rehab include dinner and evening group sessions.

Evening sessions may also include the 12-step programme. This has been proven to help those in recovery stay sober.

Learn for yourself what a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire is like by calling us today on 0800 140 4690

What is the Cost of Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire and Near Hertfordshire?

Exterior picture of a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Hertfordshire

Exterior picture of a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Cost is a huge factor to consider when deciding on care and treatment for your drug or alcohol addiction in Hertfordshire.

If you wish to recover in the safety of a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire, you will have to take into consideration what type of room you wish to stay in.

You will also have to think about the amount of time you think you will need in order to recover, which a member of our admissions team can help you determine.

All these factors will determine how much your rehab journey will cost. Though of course prices for rehabilitation are subject to change.

This is due to factors such as:

  • The exact location of your rehab.
  • The time spent in rehab.
  • And the specific type of room chosen..

The average prices range from around £2,000 to £6,000 for a 10-day detox programme and around £6,000 to £12,000 for a 28-day rehabilitation programme.

Home detox is the cheapest of the options offered by rehab in Hertfordshire. This option allows you to detox from the comfort of your own home whilst being supported by professionals.

You will receive daily calls to ensure you are progressing well and do not need any further attention or guidance.

You will also have any necessary medication posted out to you straight away once you have been deemed able to perform a home detox.

This addiction treatment option offers more independence for clients who excel in solitude, and for those that wish to have more control over their rehab treatment and recovery.

Prices for such are around £1,500.

For a more accurate estimation of how much your time at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire will cost, give our team a call on 0800 140 4690

How Long Will I Be at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire?

Man signing paperwork at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Man signing paperwork at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Hertfordshire

The length of time you require at rehab in Hertfordshire is entirely dependent on many factors of you and your addiction – many of which are now out of your control. [27]

These include:

  • The severity of your particular situation
  • the substance – or multiple substances – that you have used
  • Whether or not you have a family history of addiction
  • And how many times you have tried to withdraw before and failed (if this is applicable).

Each one of these factors will be different for each client, meaning some may need longer in rehabilitation than others, whilst some may be able to leave straight after a detox.

However, the average time spent in a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire is around 28 days, and the minimum time needed to detox from substances such as alcohol is 7 days.

We almost always recommend staying in rehab after your detox.

This is so that you have the chance to focus on not just the physical aspects of your addiction, but the psychological and emotional side effects too, with the help of therapy and counselling.

Don’t panic if you are someone who requires slightly longer rehabilitation than others.

This will be to give you the most beneficial and effective help possible and will be completely necessary for your recovery.

Similarly, being deemed able to leave rehab before the average 28 days is no sign of a ‘quick fix’, and you will still need to be vigilant and on the lookout for relapse once you are back home.

Try to focus on the journey to recovery and the progress you will make along the way, rather than on the ‘finish line’ of your treatment.

You are sure to see a difference in how you view your time in rehabilitation.

Talk with our team on 0800 140 4690 to get a more specific answer to how long your stay at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire might take

What Are the Benefits of Going to Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire and Near Hertfordshire?

Interior picture of a bedroom at a luxury drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Interior picture of a bedroom at a luxury drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Residential rehab in Hertfordshire has many benefits. Patients get 24/7 medical care from addiction professionals, which ensures a safe detox.

Patients also live in comfortable surroundings.

These experts include healthcare professionals such as mental health nurses, psychiatrists, addiction therapists and dietitians.

Many rehabs in Hertfordshire exist in suburban locations, often with a selection of single or multi-occupancy bedrooms and several lively communal spaces.

You will have access to a kitchen, and your chosen rehab in Hertfordshire will likely employ kitchen staff to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner. There may also be an onsite gymnasium and a large garden area.

Many rehabs are also located close to wooded areas and large public parks, which means you will have the opportunity to take daily walks and enjoy lots of fresh air.

Get all the amazing benefits of a residential drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire by calling us today on 0800 140 4690

What Does Alcohol Detox and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire Involve?

Laughing pair in a therapy session at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Laughing pair in a therapy session at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

If you choose to attend a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire for your alcohol addiction, the first step of your journey will be to detox.

Alcohol detox is hugely important and must take place before any other treatment can begin (treatment such as therapy and counselling).

This is to ensure your body gets ample time to recover from the effects of your drinking and begins to produce the chemicals that it was receiving from alcohol, on its own.

You will undergo a Librium-based detox (Benzodiazepine, Chlordiazepoxide) over a 10-day period.

You might also be given Buprenorphine, Naltrexone [28], Acamprosate [29] and a wide variety of anti-anxiety medications such as Nefazodone [30], Paroxetine, [31] and their various alternatives. [32]

After this, a further few weeks in rehab can be added to your journey to work on the more psychological aspects of your addiction if necessary.

This period of time for your detox will allow the team at your chosen rehab in Hertfordshire to manage any drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms or drug and/or alcohol withdrawal syndrome you may experience, such as seizuresheadachesdelirium tremensinsomniasweating, and nausea.

What Are the Benefits of a Medically Assisted Detox at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire?

Support group holding hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Support group holding hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

When you try to stop, [39] you may experience drug or alcohol withdrawal syndrome. These can range from mild to very severe, which is why withdrawing without support is never recommended. [40]

In the most extreme cases, such as those with severe alcoholism, they can be life-threatening. This explains why detox should be completed under medical care.

Medical help makes detox safe and manageable. It also reduces the probability of a relapse. [41]

Quitting drugs or alcohol on your own can result in severe withdrawal symptoms. Those who try to quit on their own have a much higher chance of relapse.

One reason for this is that you need therapy to address the root causes of addiction. [42]

These can be extremely complex and can include everything from mental health issues to childhood trauma.

Make sure your detox is as safe and effective as possible with the help of an alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire. To get your treatment started, call us today on 0800 140 4690

What Are the Dangers of Unsupervised Alcohol Withdrawal?

Black and white photo of a group therapy session at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Black and white photo of a group therapy session at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Though there is always the option of performing a self-detox (different to an at-home detox, as it is completely unmanaged by professionals and is performed at home alone), this is not recommended for many reasons.

One of the main reasons for this is that an alcohol detox if performed without the proper medical knowledge or materials, can be extremely dangerous – in some cases, even fatal.

If detox is rushed it can cause lasting damage to your brain and body, as you are not given enough time to fully adjust to the sudden lack of chemicals your body has become accustomed to from your alcohol use.

In order to safely withdraw from alcohol or other substances, we will always suggest a detox in a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire, or a planned and guided at-home detox if you are deemed able to do so.

Don’t take the risk of unsupervised alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Get the help of an alcohol rehab in Hertford by calling us on 0800 140 4690

How Do I Access Rehab for Cannabis in Hertfordshire?

Couple sat with a therapist at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Couple sat with a therapist at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Cannabis is an incredibly popular drug nowadays, especially among the younger generations. Despite this rising popularity, it can still be quite a dangerous drug to continually consume.

Some common side effects of cannabis use disorder include an increased appetite, heart rate and blood pressure, drowsiness, headaches, paranoid thinking, and dry mouth.

Continued or daily use of cannabis can lead to individuals experiencing drug or alcohol withdrawal syndrome when they attempt to stop [33] – leading to the opposite of the immediate effects, such as a loss of appetite, and insomnia.

Cannabis can impact your life hugely without you even realising, and can lead to broken relationshipsdebt problems, and a weaker performance at work or school.

If you think your life is suffering because of your cannabis use disorder, make sure to get in contact with us today.

Beat your cannabis addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire – call us today on 0800 140 4690

How Do I Access Rehab for Cocaine and Crack Cocaine in Hertfordshire?

Recoverees embracing at a support group in drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Recoverees embracing at a support group in drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Side effects of cocaine dependence and crack cocaine dependence usually appear very quickly from the moment you use it, and disappear almost as fast – how long they last is determined by how the substance enters the body (snortingsmoking or injecting).

These euphoric side effects of cocaine dependence can include:

  • Hypersensitivity to light, sound and touch
  • Insomnia
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased body temperature and heart rate
  • And a loss of appetite.

Long-term use of cocaine through snorting can lead to more nasty side effects such as a loss of smelldifficulty swallowing, and nosebleeds.

By attending a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire, you can receive well-rounded and appropriate care for your cocaine addiction and can begin a better life with the help of Rehab 4 Addiction.

Beat your cocaine addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire – call us today on 0800 140 4690

How Do I Access Rehab for Heroin in Hertfordshire?

People taking notes at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

People taking notes at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

As heroin enters your body, it can cause what many people refer to as a ‘rush’. This is true for most opioid use disorders.

Though this rush can be quite pleasurable, the other short-term side effects are not so pleasant – these can include a warming feeling of the skinnauseavomitingitching and dry mouth.

The side effects of heroin or any opioid use disorder only worsen as time and consumption of the substance continue.

Some long-term impacts include changes in your physical structure that are not easily reversed and deterioration of the brain’s white matter that can lead to impaired decision-making.

Continued use of heroin can also lead to a tolerance build-up, meaning you will experience unpleasant heroin withdrawal symptoms when you have not used the substance in a short period of time.

This can often be within a few hours after your last use.

By contacting us today you can receive the appropriate treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire [34] and start your journey to recovery from heroin and heroin withdrawal.

Beat your heroin addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire – call us today on 0800 140 4690

What Are My Drug and Alcohol Rehab Options in Hertfordshire and Near Hertfordshire?

Chairs set up for group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Chairs set up for group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

There are many options to choose from. We recommend a private medically-assisted detox as this provides medical help and medication when needed.

Our medical staff will look after you 24/7. They will support you throughout your recovery.

We list your rehab options below:

  • Inpatient rehab: Inpatient rehab involves receiving treatment in an inpatient facility. This type of rehab is more thorough since individuals with addiction problems are admitted to a facility and discharged after they complete a treatment program (usually after 4 – 12 weeks).
  • Outpatient rehab: Outpatient rehab involves treatment in an outpatient rehab facility. Patients walk in-and-out of the facility on a daily basis to get treatment. Due to the nature of the outpatient treatment, patients tend to have a lower chance of recovering fully since they can still get access to drugs or alcohol when they leave rehab daily.
  • Medically-assisted Detox without rehab: Detox refers to treatment given to stop physical addiction to alcohol or drugs. Detox breaks tolerance to substances. It requires abstinence from substances and may require medication to deal with withdrawal symptoms.
  • Rehab Therapy: Rehab therapy addresses the psychological aspects of addiction, which include the emotions and thought processes that lead to addiction. Rehab therapy also addresses aspects that encourage addictive behaviour [43] and what makes it hard to stop. The therapy also equips patients with coping mechanisms and life skills for living a drug-free life.

Learn more about your options fro drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire by calling us on 0800 140 4690

Private Rehab vs. Council-Funded Rehab In Hertfordshire – Which Is Better?

Woman receiving a massage at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

WOMAN RECEIVING A MASSAGE DURING HOLISTIC THERAPY AT drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Just like any option for addiction treatment, private rehabilitation and council-funded rehabilitation come with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Free and NHS Foundation Trust-run addiction treatment services in Hertfordshire [44] are widespread and include:

1. CAMHS Hertfordshire (Hoddesdon)

Address: Hoddesdon Health Centre, High Street, Hoddesdon, EN11 8BE

Telephone: 01992 465 042

Website: https://www.hpftcamhs.nhs.uk/coming-to-camhs-what-to-expect/our-hpft-camhs-services/our-camhs-community-clinics/

2. Hertfordshire Complex Needs Service

Address: Hertfordshire Complex Needs Service, Office F14 Business Tech Centre, Bessemer Drive, Stevenage, SG1 2DX

Telephone: 01707 891 120

Website: https://www.turning-point.co.uk/services/hertfordshire-complex-needs

3. Spectrum Drug and Recovery Services

Address: Yeomans Court, Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7HJ

Telephone: 0800 652 3169

Website: https://www.changegrowlive.org/spectrum-hertfordshire-drug-alcohol-services/hertford

4. The Living Room – Hertfordshire

Address: (Rear of) 156 Hatfield Road, St Albans, AL1 4JA

Telephone: 0300 365 0304

Website: https://www.livingroomherts.org/

5. The Herts Mind Network

Address: The Wellbeing Centre, 501 St Albans Road, Watford, WD24 7RZ

Telephone: 020 3727 3600

Website: https://www.hertsmindnetwork.org/

The benefits of council-funded rehab in Hertfordshire and near Hertfordshire:

  • Free of charge. [45]
  • Confidentiality for all clients.
  • Most likely it will be close to your family and home environment.
  • Accessible for everyone who needs it.

The benefits of private rehab in Hertfordshire and near Hertfordshire:

  • Speedy admissions process.
  • The same clinic and therapist throughout your rehabilitation journey.
  • A medically-assisted detox.
  • Personalised treatment.
  • Therapy and counselling for the psychological aspects of your substance dependence.
  • Experienced and highly-trained staff.
  • Relapse prevention.
  • Support even after rehabilitation.
  • Referrals to beneficial residential rehab programmes.

The drawbacks to council-funded rehab addiction treatment options in Hertfordshire [46] are those that are negated with private treatment.

This can include a long waiting time, [47] having to visit many different clinics and see many different rehab therapistsand support from those that may not be as trained or as knowledgeable as they should be.

Of course, private rehab also has flaws, and the biggest of these turn-offs for those searching for addiction treatment is the price.

Though private rehab options are obviously more costly when compared to their council-funded rehab counterparts, this higher cost does not go to waste.

Paying the price for private drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire ensures you are in the best possible hands for your journey to a substance-free life.

It also gives you the highest chances of reaching a full and long-term recovery – with tips and techniques learned in private rehab care under your belt to ensure you stay on track even after you leave.

If you are concerned at all about the costs of private rehab and wish to discuss your options with a member of the Rehab 4 Addiction team, do not hesitate to get in touch.

We can usually work around specific budgets, and still provide you with the care and treatment you need.

Speak to our experts today on 0800 140 4690

How Can I Help A Loved One Access Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire or Near Hertfordshire?

Smiling people enjoying therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Smiling people enjoying therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Loved ones with addiction problems may resist going to Hertfordshire rehab. One way to help them overcome this resistance is to show empathy.

Showing concernlistening, and avoiding criticism are all good strategies too. You should encourage responsibility without placing blame.

You could also consider staging a rehab intervention if you think that might help, paying particular attention to how to conduct one effectively. [48]

Finally, remember to create boundaries. You should try to help your loved ones, but you shouldn’t get too involved in their problems.

Get the help you need to guide a loved one towards drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire by calling us today on 0800 140 4690

What Types of Therapy Can I Access During Inpatient Rehab in Hertfordshire?

Two people drinking coffee and having a serious conversation at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Two people drinking coffee and having a serious conversation at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

At drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire will offer a wide selection of therapy services, which can include:

To experience any of these therapies for yourself, call us today on 0800 140 4690

What is Dual Diagnosis at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire and Near Hertfordshire?

People holding hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

People holding hands at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Around 45% of people dealing with a drug or alcohol addiction are doing so alongside crippling mental health issues. [55]

The existence of both a mental health disorder and a substance addiction is referred to as a dual diagnosis.

Those who are experiencing both of these interconnected issues will require much more detailed and integrated rehab treatment plans.

They will need to undergo therapy and addiction counselling that takes both the addiction and the specific mental health condition [56] into consideration.

The two issues are so closely linked – and one can impact and worsen the other so easily – that both must be treated effectively in order to reach a full and successful recovery.

Disorders that are commonly linked with addiction and dual diagnosis include:

If you believe you are dealing with both an addiction and a mental health disorder, do not worry.

There is suitable and effective support available for you in a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire and near Hertfordshire, and treatment that addresses both problems can be arranged for you to undergo throughout your rehabilitation.

Many organisations across the UK offer free mental health support, whether you are also suffering from addiction or not.

Some of these include Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.

Call our team today on 0800 140 4690

How Can I Prevent Relapse After Rehab In Hertfordshire?

Outside picture of a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Outside picture of a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Though relapse is not the end of a rehab recovery journey, it is still wise to avoid one at all costs and attempt to stay sober and substance-free [58] for as long as possible.

To help you with this as you prepare to leave the care of your chosen rehabilitation in Hertfordshire, you will take part in relapse prevention planning to make sure that you have the best chance of staying sober in Hertfordshire [59] during what will be the most dangerous period of your recovery journey.

This planning will look at your personal history with any previous relapses you have experienced, your track record with recovery attempts, and your progress so far at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire.

Using this information, and also data on your personality and character, two plans can be created for you.

The first of these plans will be your relapse prevention plan, which will contain everything you need to know and do after rehab in Hertfordshire in order to not experience an unwanted relapse.

This plan will guide you throughout your new life back home, and you will be able to reference it whenever you wish.

The second plan will be an action plan for if you do happen to experience a relapse – remember, this is not the end, and your recovery is still possible even after a setback.

Find out how effective a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire can be in helping you avoid relapse for good by calling us on 0800 140 4690

What Alternatives Are There to Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire or Near Hertfordshire?

Outdoor therapy in progress at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Outdoor therapy in progress at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

If a residential rehab programme in a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire does not appeal to you, there are many other options you can consider.

As mentioned earlier, you have the option to have a medically-assisted detox and withdraw from substances at home in Hertfordshire.

Home detox will be guided by professionals at rehab, but you will be able to stay at home throughout.

This is a viable option for those who are drinking less than 30 units a day, [60] and those who wish to have more privacy and independence throughout their recovery journey.

You also have the option of attending certain fellowship groups to aid your recovery, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), [61] Narcotics Anonymous (NA), [62] Cocaine Anonymous (CA), [63] Al-Anon [64] or Alateen in Hertfordshire. [65]

These mutual support groups tend to offer:

  • A sense of connection
  • Togetherness
  • Support
  • Achievement through group meetings
  • Rewards for milestones
  • And a sponsorship programme.

These groups often follow the 12-step programme, which has proven to be very effective for those wishing to withdraw from substances and remain sober.

There are also many great options for addiction psychiatric treatment online. Self-Management And Recovery Training – or SMART Recovery [66] – offer a huge amount of teaching materials and online mutual support meetings that can guide you towards a substance-free life.

Call our team today on 0800 140 4690

Can My Family Visit Me During Hertfordshire Rehab?

Couple's therapy in progress at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Couple’s therapy in progress at drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Yes. If your family follows the rehab facility rules, [67] they can visit as much as they want. Every rehab has a list of guidelines for visitors.

Make sure to check these before you visit.

There will be a list of visiting hours. There may also be a list of some things you can and can’t bring.

How Do I Tell My Employer I’m Going To Alcohol Rehab in Hertfordshire or Near Hertfordshire?

Man taking notes at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Man taking notes at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire or near Hertfordshire

Before you tell your employer you are going to Hertfordshire rehab, understand your legal rights.

You should prepare yourself both legally and mentally.

It helps to be honest and brave. However, if for whatever reason telling your boss isn’t worth it, you aren’t obligated to say anything.

You can also use your holiday time to go to rehab.

What Happens After Hertfordshire Rehab?

Friends holding each other outside after drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

Friends holding each other outside after drug and alcohol rehab in Hertfordshire

After going to one of the many Hertfordshire rehab centres, patients go through aftercare.

Patients will get regular check-ups to make sure they are on the right track.

They can also make use of support groups and 12-step programmes. These are to help with staying sober.

At Rehab 4 Addiction, we believe your recovery depends on making lasting changes to your way of life. You need to take build a life free from drink and drugs.

The lessons learnt in rehab should help with staying sober. These lessons make you a stronger person and more vigilant with cravings and other signs of relapse. [68]

We recognise it may be difficult to put these changes into place. For this reason, we offer aftercare as part of our psychiatric treatment plans.

Aftercare gives you the right to attend support groups and call us for advice and help. Many of our team have been through the same thing. We’re here for you in this difficult time.

Every rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission. [69]

Get help for addiction anywhere in Hertfordshire and near Hertfordshire, including in Hertford, St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, Stevenage, Watford, Welwyn Garden City, Cheshunt, Hoddesdon, Bishops Stortford, Hatfield, Elstree and Borehamwood, Hitchin, Letchworth Garden City, Harpenden, Bushy, Rickmansworth, Potters Bar, Ware, Berkhamsted, Royston, Tring, Baldock, Sawbridgeworth, Buntingford, Aldbury, Bovington, Chipperfield and many more.

Either call us on 0800 140 4690, or complete our online enquiry form and a member of our team will help you shortly.

This article was written by Boris Mackey. You can connect with Boris online at LinkedIn or X.com.


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