HSP Board Member takes up the reins as High Sheriff of Hertfordshire
19/04/2024 10:41 in Regional News

HSP Board Member takes up the reins as High Sheriff of Hertfordshire

Annie Brewster, a long serving Member of the Herts Sport & Physical Ac vity Partnership

(HSP) Board will be inaugurated as the new High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, at St Albans

Cathedral on 17th April 2024 - and will adopt Sport for Good as the theme for her year in



A former Mayor of St Albans City and District Council, Chair of Hertfordshire County Council

and interna onal athlete, Annie is passionate about the power of sport and physical activity

as a cost effective vehicle for social change - in areas such as health and wellbeing, social

inclusion, community cohesion, crime and disorder reduction, educational atainments and

the development of skills leading to employment and economic prosperity.


In her role as High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie has kindly agreed to present a range of

awards for outstanding contribution to the sport and physical activity sector in Her ordshire

and to host HSP’s growing events programme.


In welcoming this appointment, HSP Partnership Director, John O’Callaghan said:

“I am delighted that Annie will be the next High Sheriff of Hertfordshire and absolutely

thrilled that she has adopted Sport for Good as the theme of her year in office. I can think of

no-one beter to be banging the drum for the importance of sport and physical activity in

making communities across Hertfordshire safer, beter and stronger places to live and work.

She has unbridled enthusiasm for our work, and indeed the wider community sports sector,

and we are honoured that she will be promoting this as she goes about her everyday

business in this highly prestigious role.”


In echoing O’Callaghan’s sentiments, Chair of the HSP Board, Mervyn Morgan said:

“Having Annie as an advocate for the Partnership’s work has always been a major fillip for

our efforts, and that she has chosen to incorporate this into her year of office as High Sheriff

of Hertfordshire is another major boost. She is the perfect ambassador for community sport

and physical activity. She has the very best wishes of the HSP Board for when she takes over

the reins as High Sheriff in mid-April and I know from our team that her diary is filling very

quickly. With Annie leading the way, I am confident that the profile for sport and physical

ac vity in Hertfordshire is about to reach an unprecedented level.”

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