Mojovision Alternative Song Contest
25/04/2024 21:32 in Music

On Friday 10th The Mojo Show will be hosting an Alternative Mojovision Song Contest on East Herts Radio!

It is going to be a very special show, with representatives from 14 countries pitting their choice of songs against each other, and casting votes for everybody.

EHR Listeners are encouraged to take part, listen to the songs and cast your own votes, which will be counted on the day. Voting is similar to Eurovision, with points awarded from low to high as follows:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 THEN 10 and 12 for the BEST.

If you want to preview the songs, you can listen to this playlist on spotify:
Spotify Mojovision Entries Playlist

Or watch this playlist on YouTube:
Youtube Mojovision Entries Playlist

Email your votes in to East Herts Radio, or find the Mojo Show on Facebook and sent your votes to Faye & Dan:

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