East Herts Radio meets the people of Buntingford
24/06/2024 20:14 in Community

On Saturday 22nd June, Suzanne Birmingham from East Herts Radio was out and about in Buntingford High Street, talking to local businesses and the community.  Her mission! to find out what is happening in Buntingford and what the community would like us to cover and hear about from their Community Radio Station.

Her first port of call was attend2health where she met the owner Louise, who not only owns the company but is also the Vice Chairman for the Chamber of Commerce.  Louise told her all about the amazing treatments and classes that are available but also an insight into what the community is passioniate about, including the closure of the local pool.



She would like to thank Lawrence from The Luxury Brand Watches and Jewellery shop and Chloe from the library, who also made her welcome.  It was obvious that the community spirit is high in this town, the Library hosting many different events upstairs to bring people together from different walks of life.



Also thanks to Neil who took time out to explain about the wonderful work that Buntingford Live are involved in, offering lots of shows, activities etc for the community to part take in.

Lastly a visit to Crossfit to meet Mick who offers all sorts of classes for all ages and genders, but is active all year round raising money for different charities, including the newly fitted defibrillator and is encouraging the community to get fit.


If you are part of Buntingfords business and wish to speak to us about promoting your business or organisation then please contact Suzanne Birmingham via email: manager@easthertsradio.co.uk