Young vandals given a talking to by police and banned from wrecked toilets in Sawbridgeworth
19/09/2023 14:36 in Crime

Five young vandals who caused damage totalling around £800 to a toilet block in Sawbridgeworth have been banned from using it.

East Herts police posted on the Sawbridgeworth Facebook group that in August there had been two reports of damage being caused to the loos in the Bell Street car park.

Sanitary bins and signs were smashed and steel toilet roll holders were kicked off the walls.

Five teenagers were identified as being involved in anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the Bell Street area at the time of the incidents and were spoken to by neighbourhood officers in front of their parents.

They have also been issued with the banning notices by Sawbridgeworth Town Council, which prevents them from entering the toilet block for a year. If they breach the notice, they could be liable for prosecution.

PC Shelly Marshall, from Sawbridgeworth Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “This needless damage left the toilets out of action while the necessary repairs and clean-up operation were carried out.

“Tackling ASB in the Bell Street area is a current neighbourhood policing priority, following feedback from members of the public.

"I hope this sends out a message that we will not hesitate to identify those involved and work with our partners to take action against them.”

But residents commenting on Facebook criticised the penalty for the vandals, with one branding it a “joke”.

Another insisted they should be named and shamed and the parents made to pay for the damage.


The town council battled for years to take over management of the block from East Herts Council. The toilets have been refurbished and a 20p charge introduced.