New PCSO for Sawbridgeworth
Published on 20/09/2023

New PCSO for Sawbridgeworth

Sawbridgeworth has a new dedicated Police Community Support Officer (PSCO) on the beat.


PCSO Fallon Collins from the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) is now covering in the area and will be the first port of call for local issues.

Fallon joined the Constabulary in 2007 and has a wealth of experience, having previously covered East Herts as both a police officer and a PCSO.

She will work alongside PC Shelly Marshall as the dedicated officers for the Sawbridgeworth and High Wych areas. The pair are also supported by their SNT colleagues, as well as response officers and specialist teams that police the area.

Fallon said: “I’m committed to community policing having worked within Safer Neighbourhood Teams in Hertford, Ware and Bishop’s Stortford for more than 16 years.

“Sawbridgeworth has grown in recent years and it’s really important that we continue to have a presence in the town.

“We already have strong links with the local council and community, and I will continue to build on that moving forward.”

PCSO Collins will be predominantly based out of the Town Council office in Bell Street and is already putting her love of fitness into action, by carrying out regular foot and cycle patrols in the area.

Councillor Salvatore Pagdades, the town council’s new police liaison representative said: “Fallon will be a great asset to the town and has already made a great impression from the feedback I have received from members of the public. At the town council offices, we have created a shared office space so the police, councillors and staff can work together on local concerns and build a strong partnership.”

The Mayor, Councillor Ruth Buckmaster added: “I am pleased to see the investment Hertfordshire Constabulary has made to ensure a high visibility police presence remains in our town. We, as a town council are committed to ensuring our community continues to live in a safe and friendly area.”

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