Mum shocked to see 'Jesus Christ' starring back at her from bruised Tesco banana
13/10/2023 22:10 in Regional News


Adam CaillerJournalist

A woman got the biggest religious-based shock of her life while eating a slightly bruised banana.

Purchased from a branch of Tesco in Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, the unnamed woman has claimed to have found the face of Jesus Christ in her banana.

Following on from a bloke spotting King Charles in his daughter's bedroom curtains and a woman spotting Donald Trump in her toast, the woman is adamant she spotted the son of God . . . but was raging about the state of the fruit in the store.

She said: “My husband brought the bananas home on Tuesday, and I was a bit annoyed because, although they looked alright on the outside, nearly all of them were bruised on the inside.
This is Jesus Christ in a painting

“So when I was looking for a banana for my toddler’s breakfast yesterday, I took the least-bruised one, cut off the black bits and gave him the rest.


“I’m not religious really, though I like to think there’s an afterlife.

“Imagine my surprise then, when I wandered back into the kitchen to find the face of our lord and saviour looking back at me from one of the bruised ends!”

In photos of the fruit, the bruising creates the likeness of a face that’s looking slightly down and to one side.

For the woman, who asked not to be named, there’s only one person it could be, and it's “a dead-ringer for Jesus”.
But what did Jesus Christ taste like. . . ?

She went on: “Looking at it, you can see the clear outline of his face, and his brown hair dropping down on either side.

“There are two obvious eyes, and another two black spots just below that look like the facial hair on his upper lip, separated by his nose.”

“It stopped me in my tracks.

“You know how quickly bananas discolour once they’re opened – if I’d spotted it at any other time it would’ve looked completely different, but I was there at just the right moment.”

And though the fruit-based epiphany hasn’t prompted a Damascene conversion, it has brought the young mum some positivity.


She said: “Sure it could be a coincidence, but I’m treating it like a good luck omen.

“Life is tough right now and everybody is doing their best to get by – this is just a reminder that things will get easier.”

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