Singing in Sawbo!
21/11/2023 18:07 in Sawbridgeworth News

Singing in  Sawbo!

A  Community choir has started in Sawbridgeworth Monday evenings 7.30 -9pm

In the Cricket club.  The Sawbridgeworth Community Choir will also be performing at this years Sawbridgeworth Christmas Light. 

Having moved up from London two years ago Jill Keating an established musician, choir director  and singing teacher decided to set up the choir having met some members from a previous choir at a Christmas lunch. They said they used to have a choir however due to the pandemic it has stopped and had not started again and they really missed it. Our aim is to keep it light and uplifting with an eclectic mix of songs from world music to popular tunes  No musical knowledge necessary its all about the  joy of singing.  We include breathing exercises and fun warm ups.

Its a coming together of the community and  an opportunity to connect with like minded people and make new friends. Singing is fabulous for building self esteem and confidence. Music has the magical quality of instantly changing our mood and reaching the parts nothing else can reach!

Everyone is welcome the more the merrier.

Please Just come along or give Jill a call on 07956505069     


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